Club Policies

Code Of Conduct For All Members

  • The committee always welcomes suggestions and feedback from members.
  • Any breach of club rules will be dealt with by committee.
  • Please treat the club as you would your own property
  • Ensure that no damage is caused to the court surface or other club property.
  • Members must wear suitable kit for playing
  • The club accepts no responsibility for any items lost or stolen on club premises.
  • Have fun! The entire objective of playing tennis, aside from being good aerobic exercise, is to have fun.
  • Club organised events/play take priority over individual play
  • The kitchen area must be kept clean. Please clean up after yourself.
  • Members should behave with the utmost courtesy at all times and consideration should be given towards other members, particularly those playing on court.
  • Behave in a manner that avoids bringing  CLTC and the game of tennis/padel into disrepute.
  •  Members should recognise the valuable contribution made by the Committee, play facilitators, supervisors and coaches. They give their time and resources to provide the service that the Club provides for you.
  • All members must respect the  Committee and publicly accept their decisions.
  • Refrain from the use of bad language and inappropriate gestures.
  • If you are around the tennis/padel courts but not playing, please keep noises to an appropriate level and respect members who are playing.
  • Don’t ask players on court when they are going to finish, or otherwise interrupt their match. You may politely ask the score at a suitable break in play.
  • All members must take responsibility in ensuring they are up to date with the Club Rules, understand those Rules and adhere to them. The Club Rules and Regulations can be viewed on the Cavan Lawn Tennis Club website. This includes and is not limited to: league, competition, court booking

On Court Tennis Etiquette

  • If you need to cross a court that is occupied to access yours, please only cross in between points.
  • You call the ball on your side of the net. If you saw the ball out, it is out and your opponent has to accept it with good grace. But you have to be sure. If you are in any doubt, the ball is in! If you think (or even know) your opponent has made a bad call, you can ask once (per point) for clarification and that’s it. No matter how flagrant a bad call, you can’t argue.  you can ask for a referee to make calls, but it’s impolite to keep challenging the same call — and, you might be wrong!
  • It is the server’s responsibility to keep the score and the easiest way is to announce the score at the beginning of each point. If you’re serving, make sure to call the score before every point. This not only lets your opponent know you’re ready to serve, but also prevents score disputes later.
  • Do not retrieve a ball from another court while their point in still in progress. Please wait until they finish their point.
  • Be respectful of your opponent. While it’s fine to celebrate your successes it’s not polite to pump your fists, hiss “yes” or high-five spectators when your opponent makes an error.
  • Apologise if you win a lucky point or if you accidentally hit your opponent with a ball.
  • Respect opponents and always shake hands at the end of a match.
  • Use his/her best efforts in competitive matches.
  • Refrain from ball/ racquet abuse.
  • Refrain from the use of coaching during competition.
  • Never use unfair or bullying tactics to gain advantage on or off the court.
  • Never use bullying tactics to isolate another player.
  • Never pass on gossip about another player or adult.
  • Never make false allegations about another player or adult.
  • Never keep secrets about anyone who has caused you harm.
  • Win with grace and lose with dignity.
  • Talk to the children’s officer if you have concerns

Waiver Of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement (Adult Members)

 I for myself, my spouse (if any) and anyone claiming through or under me DO HEREBY COVENANT not to pursue a claim against Cavan Lawn Tennis and Padel Club, the owners of the site, the Committee, Officers, employees and agents for liability from any and all claims including the negligence of Cavan Lawn Tennis and Padel Club resulting in damage or personal injury, accident or illness (including death) and property loss arising from but not limited to participation in the activities at Cavan Lawn Tennis & Padel Club and use of the facilities, premises or equipment.
Physical activity by its very nature carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries.   Members/participants understand that any exercise involves risk and a member/participant acknowledges and understands that he/she is using the facilities and services of the Club at his/her own risk.
The owners of the site, the Committee, employees and agents shall not be liable and its members/participants HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVE any claim of liability for personal/bodily injury or damages which occur to any member/participant or for any loss or injury to person or property.   This waiver includes but is not limited to any loss, damage or destruction of the personal property of the member/participant and it is intended to be a complete release of any responsibility for personal injuries and/or property loss/damage sustained by any member/participant while on the Club premises. 
I have carefully read the above and I acknowledge the contents of same. I acknowledge that I am signing this Agreement freely and voluntarily.

Parents Code of Conduct

At CLTC we believe parents should:

  • Be a role model for your child and maintain the highest standards of conduct when interacting with young people, other parents, officials and organisers.
  • Always behave responsibly and do not seek to unfairly affect a player or the outcome of the game.
  • Never intentionally expose any young participant to embarrassment or disparagement by the use of flippant or sarcastic remarks.
  • Always recognise the value and importance of the officials and volunteers who provide sporting and recreational opportunities for your child. Do not publicly question the judgement or honesty of referees, umpires, coaches or organisers.
  • Respect convenors, professionals, coaches, referees, umpires, organisers and other players. Parents are welcome to attend events and coaching sessions but should not interfere with the coach or organiser while working with the player.
  • Encourage your child to play by the rules of tennis/padel. Teach your child that honest endeavour is as important as winning and do all you can to encourage good sportsmanship.
  • Set a good example by applauding good play on all sides. Encourage mutual respect for other junior members, teammates and opponents.
  • Support all efforts to remove abusive behaviour and bullying behaviour in all its forms.  
  • Pick up your child at the appropriate time. If you are going to be late then contact the coach/supervisor running the session.
  • Use correct and proper language at all times.

Waiver Of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agree (Parent/Guardian On Behalf of Junior/Family Member)

 I, as Parent/Guardian on behalf of a Junior/Family Member and anyone claiming through or under me DO HEREBY COVENANT not to pursue a claim against Cavan Lawn Tennis and Padel Club, the owners of the site, the Committee, Officers, employees and agents for liability from any and all claims including the negligence of Cavan Lawn Tennis and Padel Club resulting in damage or personal injury, accident or illness (including death) and property loss arising from but not limited to participation in the activities at Cavan Lawn Tennis & Padel Club and use of the facilities, premises or equipment.
Physical activity by its very nature carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries.   Parents/Guardian of Junior/Family Members understand that any exercise involves risk and a Parent/Guardian of a Junior/Family Member acknowledges and understands that the Junior/Family Member is using the facilities and services of the Club at his/her own risk.
The owners of the site, the Committee, employees and agents shall not be liable and the Parent/Guardian of the Junior/Family Member  HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVE any claim of liability for personal/bodily injury or damages which occur to the Junior/Family Member or for any loss or injury to person or property.   This waiver includes but is not limited to any loss, damage or destruction of the personal property of the Junior/Family Member and it is intended to be a complete release of any responsibility for personal injuries and/or property loss/damage sustained by any Junior/Family member while on the Club premises.
I as the Parent/Guardian of the Junior/Family Member have carefully read the above and I acknowledge the contents of same. I acknowledge that I am signing this Agreement freely and voluntarily.   

Child Protection

Cavan Lawn Tennis Club has adopted and implemented the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport as set out by Tennis Ireland as an integral part of club policy on children and club membership. Upon joining the Club or renewal of annual membership, all members

  • Agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and General rules for Tennis and Padel. These codes and policies are set out below, and all members and their children should read and become familiar with them.
  • Child welfare and the protection of young people is the concern of all adults at all times, irrespective of their role within the club.
  • The club is not responsible for providing adult supervision for children except for formal coaching, matches and competitions.
  • Cavan Lawn Tennis Club does not accept responsibility for independent recreational play e.g. two juniors arriving at the club on their own to play a game or children being left unsupervised while their parents/guardians are playing tennis.
  • It is strongly recommended that if children are playing in the club independently of the club’s organised activities, that a parent/guardian stays with them for the duration of the activity.
  • The Club Child Protection Officers are available should any member have any questions or require any assistance in relation to child protection in the club. The Child Protection Officers are listed in the club house.

Bullying Policy

This Appendix sets out the club’s policy on bullying, the supports to be put in place to support the victims of bullying and the procedures to be followed if incidents occur.

What is Bullying?

Bullying can be defined as repeated aggression be it verbal, psychological or physical conducted by an individual or group against others.
It is behaviour that is intentionally aggravating and intimidating and occurs mainly in social environments such as schools, clubs and other organisations working with children.
It includes behaviours such as teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting and extortion behaviour by one or more children against a victim.
The following indicators are warning signs that a young person might be getting bullied.

  • Reluctance to come to a venue or take part in activities.
  • Physical signs (unexplained bruises, scratches, or damage to belongings).
  • Stress-caused illness – headaches, and stomach aches which seem unexplained.
  • Fearful behaviour (fear of walking to a meeting, going different routes, asking to be driven).
  • Frequent loss of, or shortage of, money with vague explanations.
  • Having few friends
  • Changes in behaviour (withdrawn, stammering, moody, irritable, upset, distressed).
  • Not eating.
  • Attempting suicide or hinting at suicide.
  • Anxiety (shown by nail-biting, fearfulness, tics).

There are of course other possible reasons for many of the above.

Who should deal with bullying?

While the more extreme forms of bullying would be regarded as physical or emotional abuse and are reported to the Health Services Executive or An Garda Síochana, dealing with bullying behaviour amongst young people in the club will, in the first instance, be the responsibility of the club’s Children’s Officers.

How can it be prevented?

  • Ensure that all members follow the code of conduct.
  • Deal with any incidents as they arise.
  • Use a whole group policy or ‘no-blame approach’.
  • Reinforce that there is ‘a permission to tell’ culture
  • Encourage children to negotiate, co-operate and help others
  • Offer the victim immediate support and apply the ‘no blame approach’
  • Never tell a child to ignore bullying.
  • Never encourage a child to take the law into their own hands and beat the bully at their own game.
  • Tell the victim there is nothing wrong with them and it is not their fault.

What is the ‘No Blame’ Approach?

Step 1 – Interview with the victim

If there has been an incident of bullying, one of the club’s Children’s Officers will talk to the victim.
At this stage he/she will try to find out who was involved and what the victim is now feeling by asking questions such as.
Was it verbal or physical intimidation?
How hurt is the victim?
Was it within his/her own peer group?
Assure the victim that his/her name will not come out in the investigation and actively listen.

Step 2 – Meet with all involved
The Children’s Officers will arrange to meet with all those involved.
This should include bystanders, those who may have colluded, those who joined in and those who initiated the bullying.
However, try to limit it to a maximum of six to eight in the group – keep the number controllable.
The Children’s Officers should

  • Make a point of calling a ‘special’ meeting.
  • Ensure the severity of the topic is understood by all.
  • Speak only of the hurt caused in general terms with no reference to the victim.
  • Play on the conscience of all – ask questions like:

How would you feel? Would you like it done to you?

Step 3 – Explain the problem

The distress being suffered as a result of the bullying incident will explained. At this stage the details of the incident or the allocation of the blame will not be discussed. Explain the feelings of loneliness, feeling left out, rejected, laughed at and ask questions’s.

  • Would they like it if it happened to them?
  • Someone here in this group was bullied by someone within the group, what can be done to see it does not happen again?

The Children’s Officers will use the meeting to identify the basis for the bullying incident and without isolating anyone try to identify a solution.

Step 4 – Share the responsibility

The Children’s Officers will explain what steps/controls may have to be introduced to prevent further incidents and how everyone will lose out as a result.

Step 5 – Ask the group for their ideas

At this stage the group will be encouraged to suggest ways that would make the victim feel happier. All positive responses will be listened to and noted.

Step 6 – Leave it to them

Now that the problem has been identified, solutions suggested, the problem will now be handed over to the group to solve. A further meeting will be in a week’s time.

Step 7 – Meet them again

Each member of the group will discuss how things are going, who is doing what and have there been other incidents. This will allow for continual monitoring and also keeps everyone involved. Again the idea of the ‘team’ looking after each other will be reinforced at regular intervals to ensure it is known that bullying or Intimidating behaviours will not be tolerated.

Complaints Procedure
We are fully compliant with the Tennis Ireland Complaints procedure.
Please see the following Document –
Note all Complaints can be made by email to

May, 2020